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Writer's pictureWendiFournier

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Updated: May 23, 2022

Have you ever felt like you’re just not good enough? Or that everyone else has it all figured out and you’re only pretending to have a grip? If you’ve ever experienced reoccurring feelings of self-doubt or inadequacy, chances are you may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome and you are far from alone.

The good news is you are no fraud! How do I know? Because real frauds don’t worry about their authenticity and wouldn’t be reading an article on how to kick this feeling to the curb once and for all.

So, what exactly is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome is the overwhelming sense of insecurity that you have not earned your success. Think of it as that little voice that tests your capabilities, often telling you that you’re not smart, creative, or talented as you need to be. Everything you’ve achieved has nothing to do with your skillset and everything to do with being at the right place at the right time. Your success is a lie and the fear that one day, your “true self” will be exposed as a fraud.

When Imposter Syndrome settles firmly into the driver’s seat, it is often accompanied by passengers such as fear of success, fear of failure, and self-sabotage. These feelings of self-doubt are what can hold us back and bring out a constant fear of exposure and rejection.

Imposter Syndrome can strike anyone at any time, and often rears its ugly head at moments of success like starting a new business, becoming a first-time author, or receiving special recognition. If it goes on for too long, your ambition will become compromised, causing you to lose sight of your true potential.

How do you know if you are experiencing Imposter Syndrome? If you recognize any of the symptoms below, you may be a victim:

• Extreme Feelings of Self-Doubt or “I’m Not Worthy” Thoughts

• Perfectionist Tendencies with Unreasonably High Goals

• Fear of Fraud Exposure

• Negative Self-Talk That Downplays Achievements

Recognizing you have Imposter Syndrome can be tricky. But if you display any or all of the above for extended periods, you may be battling Imposter Syndrome. Keep in mind that many times throughout life we experience self-doubt. It’s a natural and normal emotion to have as we grow and develop. But when it sets up shop and sticks around for a while, that’s when it’s time to wave the red flag and seek proper self care help.

FIRST, quiet your inner critic by talking about what’s going on inside your mind. Confide in trusted friends, family, or even qualified health professionals. I bet you’ll be surprised by how many of them have dealt with Impostor Syndrome, including the gal writing this to you now! Yes, I’ve been plagued by Imposter Syndrome, and I’m here to tell you that you CAN and WILL overcome it. Talking with others who have gone through the same situation can provide clarity and relief needed to understand you are not alone. And, my friend, you are far from alone.

SECOND, instead of focusing on criticism, condition yourself to appreciate and accept praise. Revisit positive praise and revisit often. Listening and reflecting on words of encouragement calms anxieties when self-doubt cuts into your victory lane.

FINALLY, stop comparing your success to others. Measure your achievements and only your achievements. Remember, high-achieving people most often deal with Imposter Syndrome, so the fact that you recognize it in yourself speaks volumes about you!

Self-doubt can not only be crippling, but it can be downright mentally exhausting. But now that you’re armed with the tools in your box to deal with these emotions, you will be able to move forward on a road paved with positive mental health instead of stalling out at the starting line!


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