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Writer's pictureWendiFournier

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Write

Updated: May 23, 2022

Even the most motivated of humans—you, me, Richard Simmons—can find it hard to ditch the yoga pants and fuzzy slippers to seize the day with our cup of optimism and vigor in hand.

Guess what? This is NORMAL! Yes, you heard me right.

We all experience moments of feeling stuck, especially when we’ve found ourselves thrown into the whirlwind of a global pandemic. When our lives have been catapulted and spun upside down faster than Dorothy landing in Oz, finding that mojo can be extra difficult. And it’s okay. Just don’t set up camp and stay there.

If you do, take note that I’ll be your loudest cheerleader, toughest coach, and mega motivator to get you back on the track. I’ll strap you in the driver’s seat, throw her into drive, and have you punching the gas pedal across the finish line.

Ready to get rockin’? Grip the wheel because here are 5 pedal-punching ways to motivate yourself to write so you can get back to what you’re meant to be doing—writing!

Set writing goals. Set goals that are challenging, yet attainable. For instance, it doesn’t make sense to set a goal of writing 80,000 words in two days. That’s a pretty steep haul that not too many, if any, can accomplish. Unrealistic writing goals will leave you feeling discouraged and you’ll be more likely to abandon what you’ve set out to do. Also, don’t file goals away in the back of your head. Remember the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind?’ This process makes it too easy to take your eye off the ball, ultimately losing sight of your tasks. Instead, write them down and post where you can see them as a daily visual reminder.

Change up your writing spots. You’d be amazed by how simply changing up where you write can spark new creativity and motivation. If you typically sit at your writer’s desk amongst four walls, try grabbing your laptop and heading outside for a bit. One time I was writing an emotionally charged scene full of grief and remorse. A lot of emotions were going through my MC and I was struggling to get my words right so I packed up and headed to a local cemetery. Creepy to some, I know, but it helped to connect me with the scene and a short time later my chapter was complete.

Write now. Save the editing for later. I struggle with this one BIG TIME! The goal of your first draft is to get your story down. It won’t be pretty. It won’t be perfect. But when the words are flowing, don’t stop to edit. You’ll lose your momentum and the struggle to get it back is not worth polishing that one sentence or capturing that perfect word. Get the story down first. You can go back and edit during the draft revision phase.

Establish a writing time. You grab your morning coffee or tea at the same time each day, right? How about brushing your teeth? Exercise? Eat lunch? Take out the dog? Writing should be no different. Establish a routine with your writing by scheduling a specific time each day to write, no matter what.

Read. Read. Read. I’ve saved the best for last. If you don’t take to heart any of the above, at the very least, take this piece with you. Soaking up the work of other authors can fuel inspiration and motivation to give you the kickstart you need. A writer who doesn’t read is like an artist who doesn’t visit art galleries. Or a filmmaker who doesn’t watch movies. Or a musician who doesn’t listen to music. The thought sounds obscured and writing is no different.

Nothing inspires writers like reading someone else’s words so read, read, read! Read everything you can get your hands on. If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to write. Reading and writing are inseparable and every great writer reads, and reads often. And the more a writer reads, the better writer they become.

Maneuver your way out of the pit and find your groove to victory lane! No exceptions. No excuses.


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